Ok so this may not be directly related to the Yankees but it is related to baseball and as the Yankees got me into Baseball i think that it is worth a mention on here.
Laterly i have come to think of the similarities between Baseball and life and the metaphors u can use involving Baseball to describe your life situation.
Everyone can spot the obvious ones, the fact that everyone can get into a slump, everyone can come to a point where no matter what they do they just cant get bat on ball, they just cant do anything right, but most people are clever enough to note that a slump has to end sometime, being achieved in many different ways, a revaluation of ur life situation or a look at your batting style,position, footing etc. Similary u can be on the top of the world on MVP form, everything that u do hite the meat of the bat and go's flying, outfielders drop fly balls or miss the cut off men which allows u to carry on your streak, everyone needs a bit of luck to be sucessfull.
But why stop there, why not talk about steals?? the fact that u have taken one base but u want more, u have to take a chance in baseball and in life, its a risk, sometimes u will get thrown out ut sometimes it will pay off, u will go for it and u will take an extra bag, improving ur chances in life for yourself and other people, similarily u can sacrfifice yourself for the team, but taken from one of my fave films "The Fan" a sacrifice in Baseball is a lot better than a sacrifice in Life as in Baseball u can give urself up for the sake of someone else and it wont count agaisnt your average.
How many more similarities are there between Baseball and Life??