A Yankee/Cub Dream

A fans perspective of all things Yankee's

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Cool/Hot Night in Beantown for Damon

When the Yankees took the field Monday night in Boston there was no doubt where all the eyes were Fixed, Johnny Damon back in Boston but this time back as a enemy, in a Park where he has been cheered for the past few years it was no surprise that them cheers quickly turned to Boo's as the Red Sox crowd quickly made it obvious that although he had played an integrel part in bringing a World Series title to Fenway only a couple of years earlier, when your wearing a Yankee uniform you dont deserve any respect. That is not to say that he did not receive any Aplause, that he did at his first AB when he tipped his hat to his old team mates and settled in to take his first pitch as a Yankee back in Beantown. The Night was not a pleasent one for Damon, not only was he jeered everytime he came near to the ball but he also went 0-4 on the night, the crowd even went as far as to throw money at him from the Bleachers, Damon would leave Boston with the Yankees taking the Loss 7-3 on a Ortiz long 3 run shot into the Red Sox Bullepen.

Damon might not of had the best night agaisnt his former team this time but with a lot of games still to play, he still has the attributes to make the Red Sox suffer for letting him go, we will see how he does in the upcomign series at Yankee Stadium early next week.


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